03103018X24L5 Nocturnal
Awakening 18"X24" Acrylic
on Stretched Canvas Oct.
2003 |
This is an original painting Carl created from a reference photograph he took while fishing in Northern Minnesota last summer. Carl did quite a bit of interpretation changing the painting away from the original photograph. This painting took Carl about 40 hours (the longest he has spent on one painting so far, although he had some pen and ink drawings that took nearly that long). This painting won Carl his first award in a public art show. Carl says the sky was the hardest part of this painting. He wrestled with it for a couple of weeks until he accidentally stumbled onto the effects of scraping the paint with a painting knife. Then it was just a matter of time as Carl used the knife to work out the details in the sky. |
See Narrative Below ----------- Honorable Mention, Members Show, Camarillo
Art Center,